
AGA Geodimeter 6B


Gift from Landesamt für Vermessung und Geobasisinformation Rheinland-Pfalz, Koblenz




Thanks to  Martin Fettke

( Photo of him in 1982, was working with an AGA Geodimeter 14 in field. )

in a suitcase

AGA Geodimeter 6B, electro-optical distance meter, used from 1969 – 1984 for land survey purposes in Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
With that instrument it was possible to measure distances up to 6 km very accurate. AGA Geodimeters were one of the first instruments with this new and revolutionary technique in surveying. The AGA surveying branch was bought by the Swedish “Spectra Precision” company in late 1980s, which, itself, was bought by the US Trimble GPS company.







Luma lamps for Geodimeter

Landesamt für Vermessung und Geobasisinformation

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(v.l.n.r. Volker Schneider, Gerhard Kabel, Andrea Stotz, Petra Massing, Martin Fettke)

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